


關於漢娜 About Hannah

  Hey, all! Welcome to my MUSIC blog 😊 This is Hannah. A Taiwanese who have lived in both HK and Switzerland for a couple of years, a current Neurosci master's student, of course, a music addict, and a passionate language learner.  Feel free to subscribe/ follow my blog or leave messages in the box down the articles, can't wait to share and discuss more MUSIC with you all! My Spotify account: hannah82633 ------ 嗨我是漢娜!在香港住了四年的台灣學生,讀的是基因工程,之前曾落腳於瑞士一年,現在在台灣讀研究所。喜歡挑戰新事物,也是個熱愛音樂、文哲、地理的靈魂。  這裡將會記錄著從我十五歲開始不斷接觸到的各類型音樂及聽現場的經驗 !如果喜歡我的文章或是想討論、推薦音樂,歡迎訂閱追蹤或是分享blog😊 也隨時歡迎在底下留言,期待和大家的交流!


復古低保真音樂 What's Lo-fi ???! And some of my favorite artists....

為酷夏注入一些沁涼~不可不知的冰島音樂 Icelandic music collection

新鮮貨碟評-倫敦脈絡樂隊 London Grammar /Truth is a beautiful thing

每週推薦新曲 Weekly recommendation June 5th- June11th

漫遊者的迷幻現場~六月第二場專場實錄 Wandering in the psychedelic world of singer ROVER

All about non-rock GERMAN music that I listen to 德語音樂~不只是搖滾!